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Now let’s pour some 🔥 gas on your shop’s sales with this hot resource, available for an exclusive limited time discount.


The Shop Sales Amplifier system gives e-commerce sellers 40+ quickly implementable ways to get your customers to spend more money at checkout.

Increasing your average order value (or your AOV) is all about convincing your existing customer to spend more at checkout. What if each of your customers spent just $5 more at checkout?

Take advantage of the traffic you’re already working so hard to get – My Shop Sales Amplifier system is a quick & dirty workbook featuring 40+ ways to increase your average customer spend over a weekend. I cover everything from bundles & promotional offers to pricing psychology and cross-selling. 

You can quickly implement just a handful of my 42 actionable strategies to get your existing customers to increase their order value. Even just choosing 2 or 3 ideas from this list and implementing them over a couple days can be a huge impact on your profit!

With a few tweaks, you can LEVERAGE your existing traffic so that your current customers spend more money at checkout. (And no – the secret sauce isn’t just “increase your prices”!)

As a thank you for signing up for my new Confessions of a Digital Product Seller podcast, you have an exclusive opportunity to save $10 on the Shop Sales Amplifier and grab it for just $27!

The shop sales amplifier system is a 20+ page pdf book that outlines over 40 ideas on how to increase your average order value, plus more valuable insight:

  • How to calculate your current AOV
  • Why you should focus on increasing your AOV if you have a goal to increase your shop’s profits
  • Over 40 actionable ideas to increase your AOV (works if you sell online, Etsy, Shopify, in person, anywhere!)
  • Suggested WordPress plugins and Shopify apps to help you utilize some of the ideas (saving you valuable research time!)
  • Worksheets for taking action
  • Worksheets for calculating new AOV and reviewing your results

The system also includes three additional bonuses:

  1. Tech Guide – save your time & frustration with this list of WordPress, WooCommerce, and Shopify plug & play tools to quickly implement your chosen strategies
  2. AOV Calculator & Results Tracker – spreadsheet template to input your numbers and automatically calculate your own AOV over time.
  3. Mind Your Marketing Assessment – use this handy quiz to determine WHICH marketing platform you should laser your focus on to get the best results.

If you’re ready for this quick guide to increase your shop’s profits, I’ve got an exclusive + limited time offer just for you!

Grab your instantly downloadable copy of the Shop Sales Amplifier system for just $27. (It is currently for sale in my shop for $37!)

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