- Adding custom tabs for other sales sources or expense categories to your existing spreadsheet (and configuring so everything entered here transfers to your monthly summary tab)
- Transferring data from one spreadsheet to another
- Re-tooling your spreadsheet to fit your country’s needs (currencies, exchange rates, date formatting, etc.)
- Custom business spreadsheets to import from your sales venue(S) of choice based on your shop or payment processor’s reporting system
- Custom personal budgeting spreadsheets tailored to your specific needs
- Custom spreadsheets to track non-financial quantitative data, like social media stats or analytics
- Adding pie charts, graphs, or other visual aids to your existing spreadsheet
Spreadsheets can be made for Excel, Numbers, or Google Sheets.
My spreadsheet customization rates start at $100/hour, with a minimum of a $50 deposit. To give you an idea of how much you can expect your project to cost:
- Customizing your existing P+S spreadsheet usually takes an hour or less (projects that generally take me less than 10 minutes to do, like adding rows or columns, fixing formula errors, adding a tab for a new calendar year, etc. are always free of charge)
- Creating a completely new custom spreadsheet usually takes 2-5 hours
- Creating step-by-step instructions in PDF format usually takes .5-2 hours
- Creating a custom video tutorial to guide you through using your spreadsheet takes 1-3 hours
Fill out the inquiry form below (click “ok go”) with as many details as possible about your custom project. If it’s something I’m capable of doing, I will check my schedule and let you know if I can do it within the requested time frame, along with an estimate of how many hours it will take. I will also send you a $50 invoice. This $50 deposit gets you a spot on my calendar so I can ensure your project is completed in a timely manner. Any remaining payment will be due when your project is completed, before delivery of the file(s).