by Janet LeBlanc |
Note: This post (along with the free planning playbook has been updated for 2024/2025! The year is almost over! And – once again – what a HECK of a year it has been y’all. In the (approximate) words of Smash Mouth – the hits start...
by Janet LeBlanc |
Today we’re going to meet a very tricky guy (I feel like it’s safe to assume that all tax-related things are male, yes?), the Schedule C. The Schedule C seems to pop up around this time every year, and he can get a little confusing. So, let’s take...
by Janet LeBlanc |
Right around the end of the year, you may start hearing a lot about counting your inventory. Today I’m hosting an Inventory Crash Course Workshop, which is my fancy way of saying I filmed a video answering the big questions I see about year-end inventory. This is my...
by Janet LeBlanc |
I recently discussed how to tackle your finances and bookkeeping if you’ve fallen behind this year. Today, I’m talking more in depth about getting your financial paperwork organized for year-end so that you’re ready for tax prep. This applies whether you plan to do...