by Janet LeBlanc |
Note: This post (along with the free planning playbook has been updated for 2024/2025! The year is almost over! And – once again – what a HECK of a year it has been y’all. In the (approximate) words of Smash Mouth – the hits start...
by Janet LeBlanc |
Use my handy sales forecasting exercise & forecasting tool to help you anticipate your Q4 or holiday sales. Prepare your physical inventory & your workload accordingly! E-commerce sellers and business owners start to think about preparing for the holiday sales...
by Janet LeBlanc |
I’ve been harping about year-end approaching for a while around here, mostly for tax purposes. But with the beginning of a new year around the corner, that also means it’s time for something else – setting goals for your business. “Goal setting” seems to be a trendy...
by Janet LeBlanc |
Last week I answered a question I get a lot – how do I pay myself? What’s the right way to do it? If you missed that post, catch up here. That post was all about the rules & logistics of paying yourself as a sole proprietor, and how it affects your bookkeeping...
by Janet LeBlanc |
Today let’s address a question I see quite often: How do I pay myself? As a shop owner who also happens to be an accountant, sometimes I lose touch of the questions my non-accountant friends have about running a biz. This one happens to be one of them, and it’s high...