Year End Inventory Workshop

Year End Inventory Workshop

Right around the end of the year, you may start hearing a lot about counting your inventory. Today I’m hosting an Inventory Crash Course Workshop, which is my fancy way of saying I filmed a video answering the big questions I see about year-end inventory. This is my...
Quarterly Check-Up for Your Biz

Quarterly Check-Up for Your Biz

It’s the end of another quarter! Where the heck is the time going?! The end of a quarter (or the beginning of a fresh, new one) is a great time to catch up on mundane tasks that you’ve been putting off (bookkeeping, anyone?), check in on your progress towards your...
How to Use Quizzes to Grow Your Biz

How to Use Quizzes to Grow Your Biz

A few weeks ago I got the chance to partner with a quiz-building tool called Interact. I have loved working with them, and the experience really got me thinking about how handmade sellers can use quizzes in unique ways to grow their business. So today, I’m excited to...