by Janet LeBlanc |
All information on this site is provided for general education purposes only and may not reflect changes in federal or state laws. It is not intended to be relied upon as legal, accounting, or tax advice. Please read my full disclaimer regarding this topic. If you’re...
by Janet LeBlanc |
Hola! I hope you’ve read part one of my Inventory 101 series, which covers all the ins and outs of inventory. Click over here to see what should be included in inventory, how to properly track & record inventory, and whether you as a maker even need to deal with...
by Janet LeBlanc |
Inventory and cost of goods sold are probably the most complex accounting concepts that makers and crafters have to tackle. Today I’m going to attempt an overview of some important inventory concepts in simple, plain English. In part 2, I’ll delve into dealing...
by Janet LeBlanc |
As a creative business owner, it can be so hard to know all the different financial requirements and responsibilities that apply to you (that’s why I’ve got a free step-by-step checklist right here!). You might hear a lot about your “tax” requirements and get the two...