by Janet LeBlanc |
Note: This post (along with the free planning playbook has been updated for 2024/2025! The year is almost over! And – once again – what a HECK of a year it has been y’all. In the (approximate) words of Smash Mouth – the hits start...
by Janet LeBlanc |
Today we’re going to meet a very tricky guy (I feel like it’s safe to assume that all tax-related things are male, yes?), the Schedule C. The Schedule C seems to pop up around this time every year, and he can get a little confusing. So, let’s take...
by Janet LeBlanc |
In late May 2022, GoDaddy announced that their popular bookkeeping software (which they acquired from Outright about a decade ago) would be discontinued from service on June 23, 2022. GoDaddy (formerly Outright) had always been a popular alternative to QuickBooks,...
by Janet LeBlanc |
I’ve been talking a lot about pricing lately, and in a previous post I mentioned how so many creatives, makers, and artisans routinely underprice their handcrafted goods. We’ve discussed my suggested handmade pricing formula, how to tweak that formula to fit your biz...
by Janet LeBlanc |
All information on this site is provided for general education purposes only and may not reflect changes in federal or state laws. It is not intended to be relied upon as legal, accounting, or tax advice. Please read my full disclaimer regarding this topic. Alright...
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