by Janet LeBlanc |
All information on this site is provided for general education purposes only and may not reflect changes in federal or state laws. It is not intended to be relied upon as legal, accounting, or tax advice. Please read my full disclaimer regarding this topic. Alright...
by Janet LeBlanc |
I’ve been talking a lot lately around here about getting ready for taxes. We’ve discussed how to get your numbers caught up for the year, doing your year end inventory count, and organizing your documents. Once you’ve got your numbers ready to go, you might be...
by Janet LeBlanc |
If you’re running a creative business, ESPECIALLY if you’re a maker, it can be easy to spend a lot of money on the latest shiny object, piece of software, newest gadget, or (perhaps most of all) beautiful craft supplies! That’s why today we’re chatting about how to...
by Janet LeBlanc |
When you’re a solopreneur running your own business (and you’re creative-minded on top of that!), it seems like there are million directions in which you can take your business. We all have goals to improve our business. The biggest problem is there’s usually a...
by Janet LeBlanc |
Let’s talk about one of my favorite e-commerce metrics – your conversion rate. Before diving into how to increase your shop’s conversion rate or even why this stat is so important, let me explain what the heck it is (in case you’re unfamiliar!). WHAT DOES CONVERSION...
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