Getting a Business Bank Account

Getting a Business Bank Account

All information on this site is provided for general education purposes only and may not reflect changes in federal or state laws. It is not intended to be relied upon as legal, accounting, or tax advice. Please read my full disclaimer regarding this topic. If you’re...

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Organizing Financial Paperwork for Taxes

Organizing Financial Paperwork for Taxes

I recently discussed how to tackle your finances and bookkeeping if you’ve fallen behind this year. Today, I’m talking more in depth about getting your financial paperwork organized for year-end so that you’re ready for tax prep. This applies whether you plan to do...

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Inventory 101 for makers – what is cost of goods sold?

Inventory 101 for makers – what is cost of goods sold?

Hola! I hope you’ve read part one of my Inventory 101 series, which covers all the ins and outs of inventory. Click over here to see what should be included in inventory, how to properly track & record inventory, and whether you as a maker even need to deal with...

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Inventory 101 for Makers – what is inventory

Inventory 101 for Makers – what is inventory

Inventory and cost of goods sold are probably the most complex accounting concepts that makers and crafters have to tackle. Today I’m going to attempt an overview of some important inventory concepts in simple, plain English. In part 2, I’ll delve into dealing...

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Everything You Need to Know about Shipping

Everything You Need to Know about Shipping

Let’s talk about SHIPPING! Shipping can be a complicated topic for a creative biz owner because there are many facets to the “shipping” question. This comprehensive guide to shipping will address all the different “types” of shipping your business probably deals with:...

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Brain Dumping – the problem of having too many ideas

Brain Dumping – the problem of having too many ideas

I think a lot of creatives struggle with the concept of having too many ideas. When you go into business for yourself, all the opportunities and possible paths ahead of you can be so very exciting (and maybe a bit overwhelming!). It can be hard to focus. It can be...

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Income Taxes: An Intro for your Creative Business or Blog

Income Taxes: An Intro for your Creative Business or Blog

As a creative business owner, it can be so hard to know all the different financial requirements and responsibilities that apply to you (that’s why I’ve got a free step-by-step checklist right here!). You might hear a lot about your “tax” requirements and get the two...

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Accounting for Overhead Expenses in Your Prices

Accounting for Overhead Expenses in Your Prices

I recently talked about all those pesky hidden expenses (called “overhead expenses”) that your small biz encounters. I concluded that discussion by saying that it’s important to recover a little piece of your overhead expenses every time you sell a product or service,...

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Hidden Expenses and How They’re Hurting Your Biz

Hidden Expenses and How They’re Hurting Your Biz

We’ve talked about how important it is to sharpen your bookkeeping skills and keep track of all those pesky expenses your business has. Today we’re going to talk about a special category of your business’ expenses, which we shall call “overhead”. Not in the sense that...

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Tracking Expenses & Keeping Records for your Creative Biz

Tracking Expenses & Keeping Records for your Creative Biz

Welcome, creative entrepreneur, to our business series! We’ve talked about the importance of bookkeeping and your bookkeeping options. Now let’s talk about some of the fun stuff you should be keeping in those books. When it comes to recording your financial info, you...

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Bookkeeping for the Creative…and Non-Financial Person

Bookkeeping for the Creative…and Non-Financial Person

If you’re a business owner of even the most tiny business, you should be practicing good bookkeeping skills, which basically means keeping track of your financial records. Don’t let the funny term “bookkeeping” confuse you. I’m just talking about recording, in written...

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The Paper + Spark Spreadsheet Shop
When to Worry About Taxes for Your Handmade Shop
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