Most recently posted in Productivity

How to make a budget for your business

How to make a budget for your business

If you’re running a creative business, ESPECIALLY if you’re a maker, it can be easy to spend a lot of money on the latest shiny object, piece of software, newest gadget, or (perhaps most of all) beautiful craft supplies! That’s why today we’re chatting about how to...

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How to increase your shop’s conversion rate

How to increase your shop’s conversion rate

Let’s talk about one of my favorite e-commerce metrics – your conversion rate. Before diving into how to increase your shop’s conversion rate or even why this stat is so important, let me explain what the heck it is (in case you’re unfamiliar!). WHAT DOES CONVERSION...

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Setting financial goals for success

Setting financial goals for success

I’ve been harping about year-end approaching for a while around here, mostly for tax purposes. But with the beginning of a new year around the corner, that also means it’s time for something else – setting goals for your business. “Goal setting” seems to be a trendy...

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How to Automate & Streamline your Order Fulfillment

How to Automate & Streamline your Order Fulfillment

One of the challenges of selling handmade goods online is juggling your orders. Keeping customization requests organized, making sure items get created, packaged and shipped on time, and handling incoming orders from multiple online storefronts can get real confusing,...

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Using Asana to Automate Your Bookkeeping

Using Asana to Automate Your Bookkeeping

If you’ve been following me for a while, you probably know that I love this little productivity tool called ASANA. It’s actually a pretty powerful tool and it’s totally, completely FREE. Today I wanted to combine my love of Asana and bookkeeping and share an awesome...

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Quarterly Check-Up for Your Biz

Quarterly Check-Up for Your Biz

It’s the end of another quarter! Where the heck is the time going?! The end of a quarter (or the beginning of a fresh, new one) is a great time to catch up on mundane tasks that you’ve been putting off (bookkeeping, anyone?), check in on your progress towards your...

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Brain Dumping – the problem of having too many ideas

Brain Dumping – the problem of having too many ideas

I think a lot of creatives struggle with the concept of having too many ideas. When you go into business for yourself, all the opportunities and possible paths ahead of you can be so very exciting (and maybe a bit overwhelming!). It can be hard to focus. It can be...

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The Paper + Spark Spreadsheet Shop
When to Worry About Taxes for Your Handmade Shop
Asana for Makers

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